
RULES (Revision 2009)

1. NAME:

The Society shall be called Surrey Lady Captains’ Society


All Lady Captains of SWG ( prev. SLCGA), Ex-Captains of any Club in the County of Surrey which is or has been affiliated to the England Golf or SWG, shall be eligible for membership.

All members can transfer from Full Membership to Life-Social Membership.

The County Captains shall be invited to become Life Honorary members of the Society.


The annual subscription is due on 1st January in each calendar year for Full membership. There will be a single payment for Life-Social membership.  There is an entrance fee for new members.

If any member allows her subscription to remain unpaid by 31st March, she shall be deemed to have resigned.


The Officers of the Society will be the President and Vice Presidents, the Captain, the Vice Captain, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer.


The Management of the Society shall be in the hands of a Committee consisting of the Officers and six other members.  The quorum shall be four.

The ordinary members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

The Committee shall have power to decide any question not provided for in the Rules and to define regulations which bear on the holding of competitions and the good conduct of the Society’s affairs.

Vacancies on the Committee occurring during the year may be filled by the Committee co-opting any member to fill such a vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting, when she or they shall be eligible for nomination for election to the Committee, serving as an ordinary member of Committee.

No Club shall have more than one member serving as an ordinary member of Committee at the same time.

6.         TERMS OF OFFICE:

The President shall be elected or re-elected at the Annual General Meeting and may serve for a period not exceeding three consecutive year, with voting power.

The Vice-Presidents (maximum three at any one time) shall be elected or re-elected annually and shall be ex-officio members of the Committee without voting power.

The Captain shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a term of one year, after which she shall retire.  At the end of this period at least one year must elapse before she is eligible for re-election to the Committee.

The Vice-Captain shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a term of one year, after which she shall retire, and subject to the recommendation of the Committee, take up the post of Captain, subject to election at the next AGM.

The Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer shall be elected or re-elected annually and will normally serve for a period not exceeding three years, with full voting powers.  These Officers will not be appointed in the same year.

An ordinary Member of the Committee shall serve for a period of three years but may continue for one further year, if necessary, to ensure that at least three ordinary members of the previous year continue to serve on the new Committee.  In this event the member or members to serve for a further year shall be decided by ballot.  At the end of the period of service an ordinary member shall retire and one year elapses before she is eligible for re-election to the Committee.


These must be sent in writing to the Honorary Secretary by the first day of November before the Annual General Meeting.   The nominations must be proposed and seconded by two members of the Society who must not be from the same club.  The assent of the nominees having first been obtained verbally by the current Captain.


The Annual General Meeting shall be held at a date to be decided by the Committee.  At least twenty-one days’ notice shall be given to Members.

The Committee shall hold a meeting at a convenient date prior to the Annual General Meeting in order to prepare the Agenda.

The Chair shall be taken by the President or in her absence by the Captain.

The Chairman’s direction as to how a vote is to be taken, her declaration as to the result of any voting and her decision on any question or procedure or any point of order at the Annual General Meeting shall be final.  In the event of an equal vote, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.  The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be TEN.


FULL-PLAYING:  applicants will not be offered membership until their year of Captaincy is completed and will be placed on a waiting list.  Members who do not actively take part in meetings or matches over a period of three years may be requested to change to non-playing membership, at the discretion of the Committee.

LIFE-SOCIAL NON PLAYING:  membership of the Society shall have no limit.

The Committee shall be under no obligation to give any reason for accepting or rejecting an applicant.  The Committee shall have power to suspend or expel any member without giving any reason.

10. RULES:

The Rules of the Society may be amended with the consent of the members given by resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting.  This resolution must be endorsed by a majority of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting.  Particulars of any proposed change must be indicated on the notice convening the Meeting.


No action or decision of the Committee or of any Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be invalidated by reason only of informality or neglect in any matter of procedure unless in the opinion of the Committee such informality or neglect has resulted or may result in a situation which is unjust.


The Society shall fully indemnify and hold harmless Officers and members of its Committee from any cost, expenses, liabilities and awards arising out of any action instituted at any time against the Committee, or any of the above such persons as a result of or arising out of the activities of such persons, which were carried out in good faith believing that these activities fell within the scope of their responsibilities as a member of the Committee.

Ballot System:

  1. A ballot will take place after a given closing date.  Honorary Members of the Society entering an event shall have priority.
  2. The Society will be advised by the Host Club as to the numbers accepted for the Spring, Golden Jubilee Claret Jug (singles), Summer, Autumn, Mixed Invitation which will be stated on the entry form.
  3. Those pairs unsuccessful in the Ballot for the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Mixed Invitation will take priority for the following same Meeting only providing they apply by the closing date and with the same partner.
  4. Holders of the Members’ Salvers, Founder’s Salvers, Captain’s Bowls, Veterans Trophies, Mixed Invitation Salvers and Golden Jubilee Claret Jug meetings will be eligible to defend their respective titles.


CAPTAIN’S BOWLS played for at Summer Meeting included in point 4 above.


JOAN ROTHSCHILD MEMORIAL (by invitation only to Honorary Members, Past
Captains, together with Past and Present Committee)



The Committee propose that the Evergreen list is closed to new members as of 1st January 2014, and that there will be only one category of playing membership.


GOLDEN JUBILEE CLARET JUG, (presented in 2014 by the Men from Surrey Golf
Captains) in recognition of our Golden Jubilee.  This will be a singles, stableford competition, to be included in point 4 above.